
sobe adrenaline rush introducia su nueva presentacion de 16-onzas (casi medio litro), mucha mas energia. en que momentos necesitas mas energia? pense en dos situaciones que podrian quedar simpaticas en la ejecucion: cuando necesitas manejar de vuelta a casa despues del after y cuando te preparas para una noche de rockstar. una vez mas, el aporte fotografico se lo debo a Mario Guerra y la direccion de arte a dos grandes graficos de la agencia, plasmaron justo lo que tenia en mente. ambas piezas quedaron finalistas dos veces y 'emergencia' fue premiado en el festival de antigua (festival regional de centro america) con el unico premio de la categoria.

these were made for the introduction of the 16-ounces (almost half a liter) new presentation of sobe adrenaline rush, that means a whole lot of energy. when you need it the most? I thought in two situations that might result in a fun project: when you need to drive back home after the after party and when you are getting ready for a rockstar night. once more, the photography is work of Mario Guerra, the art direction is work of two of the finest art directors in the agency, they made my vision come true. both ads were shortlisted twice in the festival de antigua advertising festival (this is regional in central america) and 'emergency' was the only award in the category.