
cuando ves avisos de gatorade, casi todos son con atletas inmersos en la accion, dando lo mejor de si para ganar, sudor en colores, etc... bueno si me preguntan, el approach debe ser emocional... so, me puse a trabajar en estos, desde el inicio quise hacer avisos de texto, totalmente distintos de lo que se ha venido haciendo. no se trata de ganar, se trata de hacerte inmortal. no es un tema deportivo, es sobre conquistarte a ti mismo... esta en ti?

if you see a gatorade ad, most of them are athletes in action, giving their best effort to win, sweat in colors, etc... well, I think the approach should be more emotional. is not about winning, is about becoming immortal. it's not about the sports, its about conquering yourself... so, I worked on these, as a start I was clear that I wanted headline ads, very different from the usual approach. the texts translates (from top to bottom) as: you don't need wings to fly. the other ones says 'make it to the end is just the beginning'. is it in you?