cuando le pones todo tu amor, toda tu entrega a algo... nunca tendras un no por respuesta. esta campaña, que comenzo como un proyecto de solo diversion, salio de esa manera. con un amigo medio hablamos de la silla electrica, me quede dandole vueltas al asunto y nacio la del tanque de transfusion. emocionado, me tome el fin de semana y un par de dias mas para trabajar en el modelado en maya y renderizado con el poderoso mentalray. las piezas tuvieron muy buena acogida, particularmente la del tanque, que quedo finalista en el festival de antigua.
when you put all your love into something, all that you are... you will never get no for an answer. this campaign, which started as a just for fun project, borned this way. we had a little talk with a friend about the electric chair, I kept on thinking on that (I really liked the idea) and figured out the transfusion tank. I took the weekend and a couple of extra days to work on the modeling (on maya) and render with the powerful mentalray plugin. the ads were very welcome, particularly the tank, which was shortlisted in the festival de antigua (a central american advertising festival).