era el cumpleaños de la recepcionista (una chica distinta a la del libro de matematicas), un grupito alli hablando de ir a celebrar y yo... sin plata. suficiente motivacion para ponerme a trabajar, asi que me decidi a escribirle un anuncio, uno de copy... un par de vueltas con el visual y listo. despues de leerlo dos veces, decidi colocarle el product shot de aspirina.
it was the receptionist birthday (a different receptionist from the aspirina math book ad), a group of her closest friends was talking about some kind of celebration and yours truly... without any money. enough motivation to put me to work, so I decided to write her an ad, a text based one... some little work with the visual part and done. after reading the ad two times, I placed the aspirin product shot on it.