dolor de cuello/neckpain

originalmente me habian solicitado unos banners de prensa como apoyo a aspirina, el analgesico numero uno en el mundo, con mas de cien años de investigacion, eficaz para eliminar... blah blah blah... bueno, la idea que surgio para este poster (despues de haber terminado los banners solicitados, por supuesto), es jugar un poco con el consumidor y llevarlo a experimentar lo que el texto dice.

the original request, was to create some printed banners for the newspaper, talking about aspirin, world's number one analgesic, with over a hundred years of research, the most efficient medicine against... blah blah blah... well, the idea that gave birth to this ad (after having completed the original request of course), is to play a little with the consumer and make them experience just what the text says.