con esta tuvimos bastante libertad, gracias al target (16-22). el programa 'amarrate a la vida' es para incentivar la cultura de conductor designado, para resumir: el grupo de amigos sale a divertirse, uno de ellos lleva la pulsera que lo identifica y recibe trato vip sin bebidas alcoholicas. tenia la idea en mente, el creativo del grupo termino de ajustar la linea y el director de arte se lucio. me gustan esos dias.
we had a lot of freedom with this one, thanks to the target we were aiming (16-22). the program 'amarrate a la vida' is about the culture of a designated driver, in short: a group of friends go out for fun, one of them is identified with a bracelet, so he receives vip service at bars, without alcoholic drinks. I had the idea clear in mind, the copywriter adjusted the line and the art director made a really good job. I like those days.