
despues de tanta anticipacion, la nueva imagen de pepsi llego. rediseño en logos, nuevo slogan (atrevete a mas), nuevos in/out y nuevos envases. la caracteristica mas notable, es que los envases pet vinieron con diseño ergonomico (llamado 'the grip'), que claramente dibuja una cintura en la botella. esto me parecio ideal para pepsi light. un reflejo de tu propia imagen, un complemento a un estilo de vida. solo fue cuestion de buscar la foto del cuerpo que hiciera match con la botella en el siempre fiel site de gettyimages. mientras hacia el layout me pregunte, si es pepsi light... porque nunca han puesto el logo arriba?

after a long waiting, the new pepsi image came to us mortals. new design in logos, new slogan (dare for more), new in/out series and, of course, new bottle design. the most notable change, was that the new pet bottles came with an ergonomical design (called 'the grip'), which clearly made a waist in the bottle. this looked great to me for pepsi light. a reflex of your own image, a complement of a lifestyle. it was just a matter of finding the perfect matching body to the bottle, in the always reliable gettyimages site. while doing the layout, a question crossed my mind... if it is about pepsi light, why we haven't used the logo in the upper corner?