
sobe adrenaline rush introducia su nueva presentacion de 16-onzas (casi medio litro), mucha mas energia. en que momentos necesitas mas energia? pense en dos situaciones que podrian quedar simpaticas en la ejecucion: cuando necesitas manejar de vuelta a casa despues del after y cuando te preparas para una noche de rockstar. una vez mas, el aporte fotografico se lo debo a Mario Guerra y la direccion de arte a dos grandes graficos de la agencia, plasmaron justo lo que tenia en mente. ambas piezas quedaron finalistas dos veces y 'emergencia' fue premiado en el festival de antigua (festival regional de centro america) con el unico premio de la categoria.
these were made for the introduction of the 16-ounces (almost half a liter) new presentation of sobe adrenaline rush, that means a whole lot of energy. when you need it the most? I thought in two situations that might result in a fun project: when you need to drive back home after the after party and when you are getting ready for a rockstar night. once more, the photography is work of Mario Guerra, the art direction is work of two of the finest art directors in the agency, they made my vision come true. both ads were shortlisted twice in the festival de antigua advertising festival (this is regional in central america) and 'emergency' was the only award in the category.

debo admitir que este aviso tenia una gran ventaja, he visto tantos avisos de copas simulando los instrumentos para los bares con musica en vivo, que tenia muy clara la ruta que no debia tomar. entonces, nace esta idea coctel de bar+rock n' roll. agitado, mezclado y flameado.
I have to admit that I had a great advantage with this one, I've seen so many glasses simulating instruments to promote live music at bars that I had so clear what I didn't want to do. so, this I wrote this recipe for a bar+rock n'roll cocktail. shaken, stirred and flamed.
conductor designado/designated driver

con esta tuvimos bastante libertad, gracias al target (16-22). el programa 'amarrate a la vida' es para incentivar la cultura de conductor designado, para resumir: el grupo de amigos sale a divertirse, uno de ellos lleva la pulsera que lo identifica y recibe trato vip sin bebidas alcoholicas. tenia la idea en mente, el creativo del grupo termino de ajustar la linea y el director de arte se lucio. me gustan esos dias.
we had a lot of freedom with this one, thanks to the target we were aiming (16-22). the program 'amarrate a la vida' is about the culture of a designated driver, in short: a group of friends go out for fun, one of them is identified with a bracelet, so he receives vip service at bars, without alcoholic drinks. I had the idea clear in mind, the copywriter adjusted the line and the art director made a really good job. I like those days.

la religion es una disciplina, como tal, puede exportarse a distintos espectros de nuestra vida, como el culto al cuerpo (algo tan expresionista). esta campaña es un reconocimiento a la vanidad femenina, que las lleva mas cerca de la divinidad.
religion is a discipline, so, it can be exported to different spectrums of our life, like the cult to the body (such a expressionist thing). this campaign is an hommage to the female vanity, which take them one step closer to divinity. the texts translate more or less (from top to bottom) as: remember the sabbath and keep it holy. you shall not answer against your neighbor as a false witness and you must love your neighbor as yourself.

estos avisos me quitaron el sueño por un buen tiempo. desde que conceptualice la idea hasta que salio el render final. tuve que aprender sobre modelado organico, matte painting y texturizado para completar los avisos. posterior, un ilustrador agrego los toques finales. la campaña impuso un estilo grafico, que luego fue imitado (el mejor alimento para el ego), la campaña quedo en el shortlist del festival de antigua, pero en su categoria se argumento que podia ser trucho. la razon? que el codigo les parecia que no iba a constructores. moraleja: ante la duda, el cuadrito que dice 'racional/comentarios' en la inscripcion, llenalo.
these ads did really took some sleep out of me. since I landed the concept until the last render. I had to learn about organic modeling, matte painting and texturing to complete the campaign. afterwards, an illustrator added the final touch. the campaign made a stand on the graphic style and later on was imitated (the best food for the ego). it ranked in the shortlist of the central american advertising festival, festival de antigua, but in the category, it was told that the ads might be a scam. the reason? the code used wasn't aimed to constructors. the lesson was learned: in case of doubt, the space labeled as 'rationale/comments' in the entry form, fill it.

cuando le pones todo tu amor, toda tu entrega a algo... nunca tendras un no por respuesta. esta campaña, que comenzo como un proyecto de solo diversion, salio de esa manera. con un amigo medio hablamos de la silla electrica, me quede dandole vueltas al asunto y nacio la del tanque de transfusion. emocionado, me tome el fin de semana y un par de dias mas para trabajar en el modelado en maya y renderizado con el poderoso mentalray. las piezas tuvieron muy buena acogida, particularmente la del tanque, que quedo finalista en el festival de antigua.
when you put all your love into something, all that you are... you will never get no for an answer. this campaign, which started as a just for fun project, borned this way. we had a little talk with a friend about the electric chair, I kept on thinking on that (I really liked the idea) and figured out the transfusion tank. I took the weekend and a couple of extra days to work on the modeling (on maya) and render with the powerful mentalray plugin. the ads were very welcome, particularly the tank, which was shortlisted in the festival de antigua (a central american advertising festival).

cuando ves avisos de gatorade, casi todos son con atletas inmersos en la accion, dando lo mejor de si para ganar, sudor en colores, etc... bueno si me preguntan, el approach debe ser emocional... so, me puse a trabajar en estos, desde el inicio quise hacer avisos de texto, totalmente distintos de lo que se ha venido haciendo. no se trata de ganar, se trata de hacerte inmortal. no es un tema deportivo, es sobre conquistarte a ti mismo... esta en ti?
if you see a gatorade ad, most of them are athletes in action, giving their best effort to win, sweat in colors, etc... well, I think the approach should be more emotional. is not about winning, is about becoming immortal. it's not about the sports, its about conquering yourself... so, I worked on these, as a start I was clear that I wanted headline ads, very different from the usual approach. the texts translates (from top to bottom) as: you don't need wings to fly. the other ones says 'make it to the end is just the beginning'. is it in you?
momia ingles/english mummy

dicen que un buen libro te lleva a leer otros buenos libros. esto es igualmente valido para la publicidad. un buen trabajo te inspira a hacer otro buen trabajo. el brief, de lo mas sencillo: por que escoger una sola pelicula si los martes te podes llevar dos por el precio de una? esta es la semilla de la idea (llevada magistralmente a tv por Victor Garcia), de aqui parti para mezclar una pelicula clasica con una moderna, satisfacer ambos target con una sola decision. bueno, hablar es facil. el siguiente paso fue encontrar escenas que hicieran match entre las peliculas que elegimos. la realizacion, creo que no habria sido posible sin el aporte fotografico de Mario Guerra. esta campaña por cierto, se logro colar entre una presentacion en berlin como parte de lo mas relevante de la agencia en ese año.
they say that a good book makes you read some other good books. this is the same for advertising. a good work inspires you to make more good work. the brief, as simple and direct as possible: why take just one movie if you can take two on tuesdays, just paying one. this is the seed of the idea (taken to tv in a superb execution by Victor Garcia), from here I started to think about mixing a classic movie with a new one, how to satisfy both targets with just one decision. well, talking is easy. the next step was finding the matching scene between both movies. the crafting, I think that it would have being next to impossible given the time, without the photographic help of Mario Guerra. this campaign by the way, made a place at last time among the most relevant work of the year in our agency in a summit in berlin.

el tipo que se invento la idea de agua embotellada merece un leon de titanio. agua embotellada... haganme el favor... un recurso practicamente inagotable convertido en una entrada de plata practicamente inagotable. la competidores dicen tienen agua de manantial, filtrada x numero de veces... lo que sea. pero... es pura? aquafina si.
the guy that patented the idea of bottled water deserves a titanium lion. bottled water... give me a break... a natural resource practically infinite transformed into an almost infinite profit. the competitors say that they have pure spring water, x-times filtered... whatever. but... is it really pure? aquafina is.

alguna vez terminare este aviso. una sonrisa tan brillante como el sol. creo que esta fue la primera pieza que hice que recibio el aporte fotografico de Mario Guerra (si quieren ver su blog entren a http://cajadigital.blogspot.com, hay mucho que aprender). un domingo cualquiera invadimos la locacion hasta con modelo prestada... creo que vale la pena agregar ese par de girasoles extra.
I'll finish this one someday. a mighty brighty smile, shiny as the sun. I think this is the first I made with the valuable photographic intervention of Mario Guerra (if you want to take a peek at his blog, go to http://cajadigital.blogspot.com, there's a lot to learn there). any given sunday we did invade the location even with a borrowed model... I think is worth it to add those two extra sunflowers.

era el cumpleaños de la recepcionista (una chica distinta a la del libro de matematicas), un grupito alli hablando de ir a celebrar y yo... sin plata. suficiente motivacion para ponerme a trabajar, asi que me decidi a escribirle un anuncio, uno de copy... un par de vueltas con el visual y listo. despues de leerlo dos veces, decidi colocarle el product shot de aspirina.
it was the receptionist birthday (a different receptionist from the aspirina math book ad), a group of her closest friends was talking about some kind of celebration and yours truly... without any money. enough motivation to put me to work, so I decided to write her an ad, a text based one... some little work with the visual part and done. after reading the ad two times, I placed the aspirin product shot on it.

como hacer que perdure el amor, bueno, la ilusion? aqui va una idea, con el cemento mas durable.
how can you make love, well, illusion last forever? here's an idea, with the most durable construction cement.

el eurospa ofrece tecnicas europeas para la reduccion de peso (lo que quiera que signifique eso), el brief sono interesante, ademas quise ejercitar un poco las tecnicas de renderizado con mentalray. que icono europeo me podia funcionar para mostrar las fases en la evolucion del tratamiento? el aviso se escribio a si mismo.
the eurospa offers european weight loss techniques (whatever that means), the brief sounded appealing to me, and I wanted to try some new rendering techniques with mentalray that I just learned. now, which european icon could work to show the evolution stages of the treatment? the ad wrote itself.

tan frescas, casi reales... este tipo de adornos de mesa de frutas de madera es muy comun en este lado del mundo. como las podemos hacer mas reales? un poco de frescura extra (cortesia del aire acondicionado lg art cool) me dio la solucion.
so fresh, almost real... this kind of ornaments, the fruits made of wood, are very common on this part of the world. how can we make them look more real? an extra freshness (courtesy of lg art cool air conditioner system) gave me the solution.

pepsi es mucho mas que fructosa, azucar, colorantes, acido fosforico, cafeina y acido citrico... es una experiencia, es compartir, es estar con tus amigos haciendo lo que mas te gusta; esta es la premisa que dio origen a esta idea.
pepsi is so much more than fructose, sugar, colorants, phosphoric acid, caffeine and citric acid... pepsi is an experience, is sharing the good times, is to be with your friends doing what you like the most; this is the premise that I used to work on this idea.

volumen al maximo. para resolver el patron de movimiento, tome un picture de un archivo wav en soundforge, esto lo monte sobre un cilindro 3d como textura y luego edite la imagen con photoshop sobre la foto del sismografo. una forma rapida de sacarme esta idea de la cabeza.
pump up the volume! to resolve the pattern, I took a snapshot from a wav file in soundforge, I used this as a texture on a 3d cilinder and then edited the image with photoshop, over the sismographer picture. a quick approach to get this idea out of my head.

cosas que se conviertan en un dolor de cabeza? creo que hay un sinfin de repuestas, yo, solo necesitaba una dirigida a un target joven. la inspiracion vino al ver estudiando a la entonces recepcionista de la agencia. recuerdo haberle dicho que todo tiene dos lados, los opuestos son identicos en naturaleza pero diferentes en grado. los extremos se encuentran, todas las paradojas se pueden conciliar... le pedi prestado el libro un momento para fotografiarlo, este fue el resultado.
what can cause you a headache? there is an infinite of answers, I, just needed one, aimed to a young target. the inspiration came this time when I saw our recepcionist at that time, studying for a test. I told her that there are two sides to everything, that opposites are identical in nature, yet different in degree, all paradoxes may be reconciled... I asked her for the book to make the comp and this is the result.
dolor de cuello/neckpain

originalmente me habian solicitado unos banners de prensa como apoyo a aspirina, el analgesico numero uno en el mundo, con mas de cien años de investigacion, eficaz para eliminar... blah blah blah... bueno, la idea que surgio para este poster (despues de haber terminado los banners solicitados, por supuesto), es jugar un poco con el consumidor y llevarlo a experimentar lo que el texto dice.
the original request, was to create some printed banners for the newspaper, talking about aspirin, world's number one analgesic, with over a hundred years of research, the most efficient medicine against... blah blah blah... well, the idea that gave birth to this ad (after having completed the original request of course), is to play a little with the consumer and make them experience just what the text says.
the original request, was to create some printed banners for the newspaper, talking about aspirin, world's number one analgesic, with over a hundred years of research, the most efficient medicine against... blah blah blah... well, the idea that gave birth to this ad (after having completed the original request of course), is to play a little with the consumer and make them experience just what the text says.

una caracteristica constante de los creativos que conozco (incluyendome), es que siempre se meten donde no los han llamado. cualidad o defecto? un poco de las dos.
un grupo trabajaba haciendo un aviso diciendo que las guias telefonicas del 2004 se reciclarian para hacer las del 2005... la labor me parecio tan interesante (en serio) que quise participar en el proyecto. el pensamiento que tome para la solucion se puede tomar como literal: un mensaje para proteger arboles.
a common characteristic between the creatives that I know (including myself) is their ability to involve where no one has called them. quality or defect? a bit of both I say.
a group on the agency was working on an ad to say that the phone directories of 2004 would be recycled to print the phone directories of 2005... the task sounded so interesting to me (really) that I wanted to be part of the project. the thinking I took to the solution can be interpreted as literal: a message to protect trees.
un grupo trabajaba haciendo un aviso diciendo que las guias telefonicas del 2004 se reciclarian para hacer las del 2005... la labor me parecio tan interesante (en serio) que quise participar en el proyecto. el pensamiento que tome para la solucion se puede tomar como literal: un mensaje para proteger arboles.
a common characteristic between the creatives that I know (including myself) is their ability to involve where no one has called them. quality or defect? a bit of both I say.
a group on the agency was working on an ad to say that the phone directories of 2004 would be recycled to print the phone directories of 2005... the task sounded so interesting to me (really) that I wanted to be part of the project. the thinking I took to the solution can be interpreted as literal: a message to protect trees.

despues de tanta anticipacion, la nueva imagen de pepsi llego. rediseño en logos, nuevo slogan (atrevete a mas), nuevos in/out y nuevos envases. la caracteristica mas notable, es que los envases pet vinieron con diseño ergonomico (llamado 'the grip'), que claramente dibuja una cintura en la botella. esto me parecio ideal para pepsi light. un reflejo de tu propia imagen, un complemento a un estilo de vida. solo fue cuestion de buscar la foto del cuerpo que hiciera match con la botella en el siempre fiel site de gettyimages. mientras hacia el layout me pregunte, si es pepsi light... porque nunca han puesto el logo arriba?
after a long waiting, the new pepsi image came to us mortals. new design in logos, new slogan (dare for more), new in/out series and, of course, new bottle design. the most notable change, was that the new pet bottles came with an ergonomical design (called 'the grip'), which clearly made a waist in the bottle. this looked great to me for pepsi light. a reflex of your own image, a complement of a lifestyle. it was just a matter of finding the perfect matching body to the bottle, in the always reliable gettyimages site. while doing the layout, a question crossed my mind... if it is about pepsi light, why we haven't used the logo in the upper corner?
after a long waiting, the new pepsi image came to us mortals. new design in logos, new slogan (dare for more), new in/out series and, of course, new bottle design. the most notable change, was that the new pet bottles came with an ergonomical design (called 'the grip'), which clearly made a waist in the bottle. this looked great to me for pepsi light. a reflex of your own image, a complement of a lifestyle. it was just a matter of finding the perfect matching body to the bottle, in the always reliable gettyimages site. while doing the layout, a question crossed my mind... if it is about pepsi light, why we haven't used the logo in the upper corner?

nervessa es un medicamento para conciliar el sueño. la idea: decir que ahora (algo nuevo para ese entonces) es efervescente. una observacion de que pasa cuando usas el producto me llevo a solucionarlo de esta manera, la magia de la noche creada con solo una tableta de nervessa. buenas noches.
nervessa is a medicine used to induce sleep. the idea: say that now (something new at that time) comes in an efervescent presentation. an analytical view to what happens when you use the product made me resolve it in this way, the magic of the night created with just one tablet of nervessa. good night.
nervessa is a medicine used to induce sleep. the idea: say that now (something new at that time) comes in an efervescent presentation. an analytical view to what happens when you use the product made me resolve it in this way, the magic of the night created with just one tablet of nervessa. good night.

esta es de las primerisimas propuestas que hice al entrar a la agencia. a lo lejos escuche que el director creativo menciono algo de propuestas para el dia del sida. el brief: hablar sobre la monogamia, abstencion, etc... el visual vino inmediatamente a mi cabeza. no pude dejar la oportunidad.
this is from the very first proposals that I made as a freshman on the agency. I heard the creative director talking about something for the aids day. the brief: talk about monogamy, abstention, etc... the visual came inmediatly to my mind. I couldn't let this one go away.
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